“Help your employees become great leaders”
TEAM LEADERSHIP It is now recognized in many companies and organizations around the world that having one leader with supreme decision making power is no longer effective. More and more we are seeing the use of Team Leadership. That is, having many people in the organization who take responsibility in sharing the leadership and forming part of a strong decisive team. This requires good communication, vision sharing, and strategic planning, but the results are worthwhile. A leader who desperately hangs onto a position and the power it carries, who does not mentor, empower and train new leaders, and does not plan for those who will take their turn at leading, is both narrow minded and foolish, for the work will be held back under that style of leadership.
Delegate! Hand out responsibilities according to the gifts of your team members, and their level of capability and responsibility and then let them carry out their duties according to their personal creativity and individuality. When possible, give a person tasks that are beyond their previous experience; this will allow them to grow.
All leaders have to face problems at some time. Without problems there would have been no improvements. The leader must be able to communicate well and he/she must be able to listen just as well. If you seriously involve your employees, they will bring great ideas to help you improve.
Top management policy establishes clear priority for safety and health.
Top management considers safety and health to be a line rather than a staff function.
Top management provides competent safety and health staff support to line managers and supervisors.
Managers personally follow safety and health rules.
Managers delegate the authority necessary for personnel to carry out their assigned safety and health responsibilities effectively.
Managers allocate the resources needed to properly support the organizations safety and health system.
Managers assure that appropriate safety and health training is provided.
Managers support fair and effective policies that promote safety and health performance.
Top management is involved in the planning and evaluation of safety and health performance.
Top management values employee involvement and participation in safety and health issues.
Leader’s basic role is to foster mutual respect and build a complementary team where each strength is made productive and each weakness is made irrelevant.
“Leadership is mobilizing others toward a goal shared by the leader and followers.” Garry Wills
Author: Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist
Private Safety Consultant, assistant Damon Fall Protection and Coordinator EHS Network ~ Kansas. Extensive safety experience in General Industry, Construction, D.O.T. Compliance, and OSHA consultation project. Contact Deborah if you would like to schedule a consultation
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