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Safety Management

Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders
Need Help with Safety Management? 
If you need help managing safety but don't want or need a full time safety manager, hiring a safety consultant can be a simple solution. 

Safety Success depends on the Safety Leadership


Leadership is the ability of a single individual, through their actions to motivate others to higher levels of achievement ~ author unknown


We are investing in tomorrows leaders and offer Safety Leadership training to motivate your employees, supervisors, and managers to truly step up for safety so that safety can be integrated into your daily operations.  Deborah offers over 30 years experience in Safety Management and Leadership skills as well as extensive knowledge of the OSHA regulations. She authored the SHARP starter kit which OSHA Consultation gives to employers to utilize as they implement their comprehensive Safety & Health Management Program.  The kit is full of sample policies, forms, and other programs that cover the then four major elements of an effective Safety/Health Management System. She is experienced in both General Industry and Construction and worked more than 10 years in the construction field advising contractors and sub contractors of simple solutions to safety issues on their job sites.  Deborah also was featured in an OSHA-PBS video about the DeBruce Grain Elevator Explosion in Kansas and inspections following State Fair fatality and the Barton Solvents explosion.

Services that fit your budget

Virtual Safety Director

The median expected salary for an experienced Safety Manager in the United States is $94,422.  That is an average salary range of $58,000-$95,000 per year depending on experience. 


How would you like to get experience from someone who worked for 21d OSHA Consultation and attended classes at the OSHA Training Institute in Chicago for just a fraction of that salary?  We offer a variety of safety services as well as a comprehensive total safety service for just a fraction of an annual safety salary.  When you book a comprehensive consultation, we can even be "on call" to help you as the need arises.


We can provide OSHA Compliance assistance that is customized to meet each client's specific needs.  We are knowledgeable in the laws and regulations that apply to your company and business activities.  We can compose site specific customized safety programs, procedures, and written policies and assist you in integrating these programs, procedures, and written policies into your daily operations. 


Are you looking for simple safety solutions?  Deborah conducted inspections for the OSHA Consultation Program and Public Entity Enforcement as well as developed the SHARP starter kit for the Kansas OSHA Consultation Program, so is very familiar with what is required, what works, how to motivate employees and how to make it all happen!


  • Safety Consulting by the hour, day, week, or month (package $$ rates available)

  • Proven Safety & Health Management techniques

  • Written Safety and Health Programs

  • Inspections or Accident Investigations

  • Help with your OSHA 300 logs

  • Safety Training at affordable prices

  • On Call to help you if the need arises

We offer assistance with OSHA Compliance & Safety & Health Management System

which results in Reduction of Work Related Injuries

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Free resources (checklists, toolbox talks, power point presentations, Job Safety Analysis, and more will be available for download

Why Should I become a "Site Member"?

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Becoming a "Site Member" gives you access to free downloads anytime.  You can also sign up for a monthly Safety Plan (but no pressure) if you really want help aligning your safety programs with all the regulation requirements.


Free resources (checklists, toolbox talks, power point presentations, Job Safety Analysis, and more will be available for download

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