We offer safety services to fit every need and every budget

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If you need help managing safety but don't want or need a full time safety manager, hiring a safety consultant can be a simple solution.
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Most Sought After
Safety Service!
Virtual Safety Director
The median expected salary for an experienced Safety Manager in the United States is $94,422. That is an average salary range of $58,000-$106,000 per year depending on experience.
We offer 30 years experience with safety management, knowledge of all the OSHA and DOT regulations for a fraction of that cost. How would you like to get experience from someone who worked for 21d OSHA Consultation and attended classes at the OSHA Training Institute in Chicago and all for just a fraction of that salary?
We offer a variety of safety services as well as a comprehensive total safety services. You pick the services that fit your needs and your budget.
When you book a comprehensive consultation, we can even be "on call" to help you as the need arises.
Experience and research have demonstrated that compliance with the minimum government rules results in the minimum protection of employees with an average safety record. It has been well established that an effective safety and health program is the best way to reduce workplace injuries.
It has been well established that an effective safety and health program is the best way to reduce workplace injuries. Your program will only be as effective as your Safety Leadership.
In order to comply with the General Safety & Health Provisions outlined, it is necessary to establish a formal, written safety and health program. In addition, by developing and implementing a written safety and health program our company will qualify for a “Focused Inspection” rather than a “Comprehensive Inspection” should we receive a compliance visit from OSHA.
To raise the level of worker protection on all our projects and to obtain an exemplary safety record, the Safety and Health Management Program was developed with the goal of creating a safety culture that encourages cooperation between all parties of the project and increases participation by craftsmen and their representatives in the everyday safety activities. In addition, by developing and implementing this written safety and health program we will qualify for SHARP.
Download the Recommended Practices
Download the Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs
Download the Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs in Construction
Available soon!
Available soon: 3 Phase Safety Plan includes all the details to help you create a safety culture with my 3 Phase Safety Action Plan. 3 Modules include 100 point Safety Scoring Metric to measure progress towards your Goals and Objectives.
If you are struggling with changing your safety culture, this program is for you! It comes packed with programs, toolbox talks, metrics, and online training opportunities. You won't want to miss being one of the first to take advantage of this offer. 3 Phase Safety is launching soon. Be one of the first to receive information about this powerful program. We will be offering a subscription discount to the first 20 customers who sign up just to receive information about 3 Phase Safety!
This service will make safety inspections easier and more affordable
We inspect your plant or construction job-sites using OSHA regulations as the guidelines for safety violations. Performing routine comprehensive site safety inspections and hazard assessments and implementing corrective actions will greatly decrease losses from injuries and other costs including OSHA fines.
If you are struggling with managing day to day safety inspection process or don't know what hazards to fix first, we can help you design inspection procedures that fit your
Leadership is the ability of a single individual, through their actions to motivate others to higher levels of achievement ~ author unknown
Your success or failure in Safety is determined by the Leadership you choose to develop
Are you a Leader? Do you have the Enthusiasm it takes to motivate others? How can you motivate employees to follow you? Well first you must develop an understanding of safety in order to develop a passion for the topic! Then you must have the knowledge and skills about the topic in order to convince others. How can you measure your success? How can you recognize and reward those who step up? How can you recognize and reward those who exceed your expectations?
Choose your safety team wisely. Team members need to be able to have a "passion for safety" in order to "motivate" all employees! Set high safety standards, and track safety leading indicators (safety inspections, attendance at training, safety activities).
Motivate employees to bring great solutions!
We have onsite or online safety training
We train Accident Prevention, Accident Investigation, Emergency and Fire Procedures, Hazards and Hazard Controls, Teamwork and Leadership skills, Electrical Safety, Lockout/Tagout, Fall Protection, Forklifts, Confined Space, Crane Awareness, Scaffold Safety, HazCom w/GHS, DOT Hazmat, DOT Drug/Alcohol Training and many more. We can even make you a training video!
This service will help you get D.O.T. compliant at an affordable price
We will conduct an audit of your DOT compliance and provide you with an action plan or we can organize everything for you, the choice is yours.
Also, will be including some DOT programs in Compliance Ready. So, if you are struggling with D.O.T. compliance, the compliance-ready app is for you! It comes packed with written safety programs, toolbox talks, forms, and online training opportunities. You won't want to miss being one of the first to take advantage of this offer.
Compliance-Ready! is launching soon. Be one of the first to receive information about this powerful program. We will be offering a subscription discount to the first 100 customers who sign up just to receive information about Compliance-Ready!
2 Day Course
Regular Rate $750.00/per person
A two day class to instruct employees to serve as a competent person in fall protection for their employer will be provided. Successful students will receive training to meet or exceed requirements of OSHA and ANSI.
Competent Person Training will instruct employees to serve as a Competent Person Instructor in fall protection for their employer. Successful students will receive training to meet or exceed requirements of OSHA and ANSI. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the written test will receive a Competent Person Certificate. Please note per ANSI standards, the certificate is valid for a period of two years.
Are you Compliance-Ready?
The safety app that will make compliance easier
If you are struggling with safety compliance, this program is for you! It comes packed with written safety programs, toolbox talks, forms, and online training opportunities. You won't want to miss being one of the first to take advantage of this offer.
OSHA Ready is launching soon. Be one of the first to receive information about this powerful program. We will be offering a subscription discount to the first 100 customers who sign up just to receive information about our safety management app!
Visit OSHA Ready

Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders
We offer a variety of safety services as well as a comprehensive total safety service for just a fraction of an annual safety salary.
When you book a comprehensive consultation, we can even be "on call" to help you as the need arises.
620-960-2764 | cheksafety