We've collected some resources to get you started
More to come (I am uploading more every week to my databases)
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Resources can be found, it's just a matter of how much time you have to spend looking for them. We have compiled many resources over the years from various OSHA sites, safety sites, and courses. These were all available for free but it took some time compiling our lists and documents. We'd love to share them with you for free. Just sign up as a "site member" to gain access to valuable free documents. Here is a small sample of what you'll gain access to when you sign up as a "site member". Check out the "Members Only" page to see what you'll have access to based on the type of plan you choose. We offer: Free, Basic, Advanced, and Complete. Choose the plan that best fits your needs or ask us for a quote.

Currently 98 Checklists
Check Lists are a great way to ensure you've covered all the requirements and can also be used when you audit the effectiveness of your programs, toolbox talks, and other safety activities

Currently 142 Toolbox
Toolbox talks are a great way to utilize Teach back to train employees about your safety programs and reinforce your safety programs

Currently 122 PowerPoints
Power Points are a great tool to create training for your employees. You can even include links to online information from vendors or youtube videos