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More free safety stuff available to members

Join Now>>

Become a "site member" and gain access to more information and free stuff.  Check out some examples on the "RESOURCES" page and then sign up to get your free downloads. The "Members only" page will be available soon so you can see everything that is included in the packages.

Pick your Annual Virtual Safety Director Plan

  • Free Plan

    Includes free downloads
    Free Plan
    • FAQ General Industry
    • FAQ Construction
    • Training Requirements
    • OSHA Fact Sheets
    • OSHA Manuals
    • Limited Free Downloads (Checklists, toolbox, powerpoints)
  • Chek Up - Basic

    Every month
    Perfect plan to get you started
    • Everything included with free member
    • Limited Free Downloads (Checklists, Toolbox, PowerPoints)
    • Virtual Safety Director
    • Limited Free Services (refer to list)
    • 5% Discount additional service
  • Chek Up - Advanced

    Every month
    Perfect for employers who need a little extra help in safety
    • Everything included with Basic plan
    • Additional Free Services (refer to list)
    • 10% Discount additional services
  • Chek Up - Complete

    Every month
    Perfect solution for all your Safety Needs
    • Everything included in Advanced Plan
    • Additional Free Services (refer to list)
    • Access to download more written programs
    • 15% Discount additional services
  • Chek Up - Special

    Every month
    Perfect for small companies who need assistance
    Valid for 12 months
    • First Year Special
    • Everything included in Advanced Plan
    • Additional Free Services (refer to list)
    • Safety Mgt. App
    • 10% Discount additional services

Don't have a credit card and want to pick a plan and pay by invoice?  We can handle that too.  Just send us an email and we will get you all set up.  Email:  Deborah

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