The health & Wellness, Fashion & Beauty, Gardening, Pets, and Photography posts are being moved over to this site from my other locations. Please be patient as I make the move. Check back or sign up for updates to be notified when a new blog is posted.

Select a spot for Garden
Select a spot to have your garden. You need sun and you need shade

Rototiller Ground
Use a rototiller to prepare your garden. Be sure to bring in a little sand, add some fertilizer, add a pest barrier, and hoe your rows
Buy Seeds or Plants
Be sure to check planting times for your region and select plants that you will utilize. A few tomatoes or peppers go a long way

Plant & Water
Plant your seeds or plants according to directions. Be sure to water regularly (especially when it starts to get hot) Then relax and watch the garden grow. Oh and pull weeds.