Slips, trips and falls is the number 1 reason for an industrial injury in the United States. Thousands of disabling injuries—and even deaths—occur each year as a result of slips, trips, and falls:
• From heights, on stairs, and on level ground
• At work and at home

Pay Attention to Your Movements and Surroundings
· Focus on where you're going, what you're doing, and what lies ahead.
· Expect the unexpected.
· Take responsibility for fixing, removing, or avoiding hazards in your path.
· Wear sturdy shoes with nonskid soles and flat heels.
· Avoid baggy or loose pants you could trip over.
· Walk, don't run.
· Wipe your feet when you come in from rain or snow.
· Report or replace any burned out lights or inadequate lighting.
· Watch out for floors that are uneven, have holes, etc.
· Keep your hands at your sides, not in your pockets, for balance.
· Don't carry loads you can't see over.
· Walk slowly on slippery surfaces. —Slide your feet and avoid sharp turns.
· Sit in chairs with all four chair legs on the floor.
· Make sure all wheels or casters are on the floor.
Author: Deborah Grow, Compliance Specialist
Private Safety Consultant, Assistant Damon Fall Protection and Coordinator EHS Network ~ Kansas.
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