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Quick Starts-General Industry

Writer's picture: Deborah GrowDeborah Grow

FAQ – Quick Starts from OSHA for General Industry

Several OSHA standards for the general industry address safety and health program elements. Following is a list of topics relevant to developing and maintaining an injury and illness prevention program, along with some regulatory standards applicable. All Information copied from

Step 1: OSHA Requirements That Apply to Most General Industry Employers

Step 2: OSHA Requirements That May Apply to Your Workplace

Step 3: Survey Your Workplace for Additional Hazards

Step 4: Develop a Comprehensive Jobsite Safety and Health Program

Step 5: Train Your Employees

Step 6: Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting

Step 7: Find Additional Compliance Assistance Information

Step 1: OSHA Requirements That Apply to Most General Industry Employers

The following are selected OSHA requirements that apply to many general industry employers.

Hazard Communication Standard. This standard is designed to ensure that employers and employees know about hazardous chemicals in the workplace and how to protect themselves. Employers with employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace must prepare and implement a written Hazard Communication Program and comply with other requirements of the standard.

Read fact sheets

2012 Hazard Communication Standard Final Rule

Steps to an Effective Hazard Communication Program for Employers that Use Hazardous Chemicals (PDF)

Review a booklet. Small Entity Compliance Guide for Employers That Use Hazardous Chemicals (PDF). OSHA Publication 3695 (2014)

See a sample program. Small Entity Compliance Guide for Employers That Use Hazardous Chemicals - Appendix A (PDF). (OSHA Publication 3695) [Disclaimer]

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.1200

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Hazard Communication - OSHA Standards

Learn more.

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Hazard Communication

OSHA Web Page: Transitioning to Safer Chemicals: A Toolkit for Employers and Workers

Emergency Action Plan Standard. OSHA recommends that all employers have an Emergency Action Plan. A plan is mandatory when required by an OSHA standard. An Emergency Action Plan describes the actions employees should take to ensure their safety in a fire or other emergency situation.

Does this apply to me? OSHA eTool: Evacuation Plans and Procedures

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Planning and Responding to Workplace Emergencies (PDF)

Review OSHA booklets

Principal Emergency Response and Preparedness - Requirements and Guidance (PDF). OSHA Publication 3122 (2004).

How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations (PDF). OSHA Publication 3088 (2001).

Create your own plan. OSHA eTool: Evacuation Plans and Procedures

Read the standards. 29 CFR 1910.38

Learn more. OSHA eTool: Evacuation Plans and Procedures

Fire Safety. OSHA recommends that all employers have a Fire Prevention Plan. A plan is mandatory when required by an OSHA standard.

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Fire Safety in the Workplace (PDF).

Review plan requirements. OSHA eTool: Evacuation Plans and Procedures

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.39

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Fire Safety - Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Fire Safety

Exit Routes. All employers must comply with OSHA's requirements for exit routes in the workplace.

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Emergency Exit Routes (PDF).

Read the standards. 29 CFR 1910.34, 29 CFR 1910.35, 29 CFR 1910.36, 29 CFR 1910.37

Walking/Working Surfaces. Falls from heights and on the same level (a working surface) are among the leading causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. OSHA issued a final rule on November 18, 2016 on walking-working surfaces and personal fall protection systems to better protect workers in general industry from these hazards by updating and clarifying standards and adding training and inspection requirements. The rule is effective on January 17, 2017, with delayed compliance dates for some provisions.

Read the standards.

Regulatory Text

Federal Register

Learn more. OSHA Web Page: Walking-Working Surfaces

Medical and First Aid. OSHA requires employers to provide medical and first-aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace. The details of a workplace medical and first-aid program are dependent on the circumstances of each workplace and employer.

Read an OSHA booklet. Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program (PDF). OSHA Publication 3317 (2006)

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.151

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Medical and First Aid - OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Medical and First Aid

NOTE:To find the OSHA standards that are most frequently cited by OSHA inspectors, visit Frequently Cited OSHA Standards. On that Web page, you can find the most frequently cited federal or state OSHA standards based on your industry's Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and the number of employees in your establishment.

Step 2: OSHA Requirements That May Apply to Your Workplace

In addition to the OSHA requirements covered in Steps 1, a number of other OSHA standards may apply to your workplace. The following checklist can help you identify other key OSHA standards that may apply and point you to information to help you comply with those standards.

If you have employees who operate machinery (e.g., saws, slicers, shears, slitters, power presses, etc.), you may be subject to OSHA's Machine Guarding requirements.

Review a checklist. OSHA Publication: Concepts and Techniques of Machine Safeguarding

Download a Quick Card. Amputations (PDF).

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Amputations (PDF)

Review an OSHA booklet. Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Employees from Amputations (PDF). OSHA Publication 3170 (2007).

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910 Subpart O

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Machine Guarding - Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Machine Guarding

If your employees service or maintain machines or equipment that could start up unexpectedly or release hazardous energy, you may be subject to OSHA's Lockout/Tagout requirements.

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Lockout/Tagout (PDF)

See sample machine-specific lockout procedures. Typical Minimal Lockout Procedures. Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.147

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.147

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Lockout/Tagout - Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Lockout/Tagout

Electrical hazards, such as wiring deficiencies, are one of the hazards most frequently cited by OSHA. OSHA's electrical standards include design requirements for electrical systems and safety-related work practices.

Download a Quick Card. Electrical Safety (PDF).

Review an OSHA booklet. Controlling Electrical Hazards. OSHA Publication 3075 (2002)

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910 Subpart S

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Electrical - Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Electrical

Employers must perform an assessment of each operation in their workplace to determine if their employees are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Note that engineering controls and work practices are the preferred methods for protecting employees ― OSHA generally considers PPE to be the least desirable means of controlling employee exposure.

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Personal Protective Equipment (PDF)

Review an OSHA booklet. Personal Protective Equipment (PDF). OSHA Publication 3151 (2004).

See a sample program. Personal Protective Equipment (PDF), Alabama Consultation Program [Disclaimer]

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910 Subpart I Note that OSHA issued a final rule on November 18, 2016 that added requirements for personal fall protection systems to Subpart I.

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Personal Protective Equipment - OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Personal Protective Equipment

If necessary to protect the health of your employees, you must provide appropriate respirators. You must establish a Respiratory Protection program that meets the requirements of OSHA's Respiratory Protection standard.

Read about OSHA's exposure control priority, under which engineering and work practice controls are generally regarded as the most effective means to control exposures to airborne hazardous substances.

Watch videos.

Review an OSHA booklet. Respiratory Protection. OSHA Publication 3079 (2002).

See a sample program. Sample Respiratory Protection Program, Appendix IV to Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Revised Respiratory Protection Standard (PDF). OSHA Publication [Disclaimer]

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.134

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Respiratory Protection - OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Respiratory Protection

Employers whose employees are exposed to excessive noise (e.g., conditions that make normal conversation difficult) may be required to implement a Hearing Conservation program.

Review an OSHA booklet. Hearing Conservation (PDF). OSHA Publication 3074 (2002).

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.95

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Occupational Noise Exposure – OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Occupational Noise Exposure

Employers should evaluate their workplaces for the presence of confined spaces.

Use an online tool to determine if you are subject to OSHA's standard for permit-required confined spaces. OSHA eTool: Confined Spaces Advisor

Review a flowchart. OSHA's Permit-Required Confined Space Decision Flow Chart

Create your own permit-required confined spaces program. OSHA eTool: e-PRCS Expert System (Public Test Version)

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.146

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Confined Spaces - OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Confined Spaces

If employees may be exposed to blood or bodily fluids as part of their assigned duties, you may be subject to OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens standard.

Read a fact sheet. OSHA Fact Sheet: Bloodborne Pathogens (PDF).

See a sample program. OSHA Publication: Model Plans and Programs for the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communications Standards (PDF). [Disclaimer]

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.1030

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Bloodborne Pathogens Safety and Needlestick Prevention – OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention

If your employees operate Powered Industrial Trucks (i.e., forklifts), you may be subject to OSHA's Powered Industrial Trucks standard.

Review materials related to the standard's operator training requirements, including sample daily checklists and an outline of a sample training program. OSHA Training Materials: Powered Industrial Trucks Operator Training

Review an OSHA booklet. Materials Handling and Storage. OSHA Publication 2236 (2002)

Read the standards.

29 CFR 1910.178

OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Powered Industrial Trucks - OSHA Standards

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Powered Industrial Trucks

This list is not comprehensive - additional OSHA standards may apply to your workplace. Be sure to review OSHA's general industry standards (29 CFR 1910) for other requirements. In addition, section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, known as the General Duty Clause, requires employers to provide their employees with a workplace that is free of recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

You may review and print FREE copies of OSHA's general industry standards from OSHA's Web site (29 CFR 1910).

You may also order bound volumes of the standards from the Government Printing Office (GPO) at (866) 512-1800 or from GPO's website. To get the complete set of general industry standards from GPO, you will need to order the following two volumes: (1) Title 29, Parts 1900 to 1910 (section 1910.1 to 1910.999) and (2) Title 29, Part 1910 (sections 1910.1000 to end).

Step 3: Survey Your Workplace for Additional Hazards

Survey your workplace for additional hazards and OSHA requirements by:

Using a checklist. See the Self-Inspection Checklists in OSHA's Small Business Handbook (PDF). OSHA Publication 2209 (2005).

Using an online tool. OSHA eTool: OSHA Hazard Awareness Advisor. This tool can help you identify and understand common safety and health hazards in your workplace. It will ask you about activities, practices, material, equipment, and policies at your workplace. The Hazard Awareness Advisor uses your answers to determine the hazards that are likely to be present. It then prepares a customized report that briefly describes the likely hazards and the OSHA standards that address those hazards.

Using OSHA's Hazard identification Training Tool. This is a game-based training tool for small business owners and workers interested in learning the core concepts of hazard identification. After using this tool, users will better understand the process to identify hazards in their own workplace.

Reviewing OSHA's Safety and Health Information Bulletins

Step 4: Develop a Comprehensive Job-site Safety and Health Program

While OSHA does not require employers to develop comprehensive safety and health programs, development and implementation of these programs is an effective way to comply with OSHA standards and prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. The information you've obtained from the steps above is a good start for developing a comprehensive safety and health program.

For help in developing a program:

Review OSHA's Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs

Request a free on-site consultation. OSHA On-site Consultation Program

Learn how a safety and health program can add value to your organization:

Read a brochure OSHA Publication: Safety and Health Add Value (PDF).

Use an online tool. $afety Pays Program

Learn more. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page: Making the Business Case for Safety and Health

Step 5: Train Your Employees

Learn about resources available from OSHA for training employers and employees by:

Visiting OSHA's Training Resources page.

Reviewing OSHA's Training and Reference Materials page.

Learning about OSHA's Outreach Training Program.

Downloading OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Outreach-Trainer Presentations.

Reviewing training materials developed by grantees under OSHA's Susan Harwood Training Grant Program.

Learning about courses available from the OSHA Training Institute (OTI) in Arlington Heights, Illinois and OTI Education Centers around the country.

NOTE: A number of OSHA standards include employee training requirements. For a listing of these requirements, see Training Requirements in OSHA Standards (PDF) OSHA Publication 2254, (2015). This publication also includes voluntary training guidelines that employers can use to help design, conduct, evaluate, and revise their safety and health training programs.

Step 6: Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting

Recordkeeping. OSHA requires certain employers to keep records of workplace injuries and illnesses (29 CFR 1904).

First determine if you are exempt from the routine recordkeeping requirements. You are not required to keep OSHA injury and illness records (unless asked to do so in writing by OSHA or the Bureau of Labor Statistics) if:

1) you had 10 or fewer employees during all of the last calendar year (29 CFR 1904.1); or

2) you are in certain low-hazard industries (29 CFR Part 1904, Subpart B, Appendix A). NOTE: As of January 1, 2015, OSHA updated the list of industries that are partially exempt from keeping OSHA injury and illness records. See Updates to OSHA's Recordkeeping Rule.

If you do not qualify for these exemptions, you must comply with OSHA's recordkeeping requirements.

Download OSHA's recordkeeping forms or order them from the OSHA Publications Office.

Read the regulations. 29 CFR 1904

Learn more. OSHA Web Page: Recordkeeping

Reporting Fatalities and Severe Injuries. All employers, regardless of size or industry, must report to OSHA all work-related fatalities within 8 hours. All employers must also report to OSHA all work-related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations, and all loses of an eye within 24 hours.

Read the regulations. 29 CFR 1904.39

Learn more. OSHA's Recordkeeping Rule.

Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Data. A new OSHA rule requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to record on their onsite OSHA Injury and Illness forms.

Establishments with 250 or more employees in industries covered by the recordkeeping regulation must submit information from their 2016 Form 300A by July 1, 2017. These same employers will be required to submit information from all 2017 forms (300A, 300, and 301) by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, the information must be submitted by March 2.

Establishments with 20-249 employees in certain high-risk industries (PDF) must submit information from their 2016 Form 300A by July 1, 2017, and their 2017 Form 300A by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, the information must be submitted by March 2.

Learn more. OSHA Final Rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

OSHA Poster. All employers must post the OSHA Poster (or state plan equivalent) in a prominent location in the workplace. Download or order the OSHA Poster in English or Spanish, and other languages.

Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records. An OSHA standard (29 CFR 1910.1020) requires employers to provide employees, their designated representatives, and OSHA with access to employee exposure and medical records. Employers generally must maintain employee exposure records for 30 years and medical records for the duration of the employee's employment plus 30 years.

Review an OSHA booklet. Access to Medical and Exposure Records (PDF). OSHA Publication 3110 (2002).

NOTE: If your workplace is in a state operating an OSHA-approved state program, state plan recordkeeping regulations, although substantially identical to federal ones, may have some more stringent or supplemental requirements, such as for reporting of fatalities and catastrophes. Contact your state program directly for additional information.

Step 7: Find Additional Compliance Assistance Information

Where can I find a collection of OSHA resources designed for smaller employers?

Visit OSHA's Small Business page and learn about OSHA's On-site Consultation.

Do you have Spanish-speaking employees?

Learn about OSHA's Spanish language resources and see Spanish translations of OSHA's web pages by clicking on the "Español" link at the top right of the pages.

Do you employ temporary workers?

Visit OSHA's Protecting Temporary Workers page.

Do you employ teen or young workers?

Visit OSHA's Young Workers page.

Where can I find information to prevent heat illnesses in outdoor workers?

Visit OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention page

Are you concerned that your employees could suffer musculoskeletal disorders at the workplace?

Visit OSHA's Ergonomics page to learn about OSHA's approach to ergonomics, review OSHA's voluntary ergonomic guidelines for various industries, and find training resources.

Has OSHA developed any compliance assistance information targeted for my specific industry?

Learn about OSHA's industry-specific resources.

How do I find out about OSHA's voluntary programs and other ways to work cooperatively with OSHA?

Learn about OSHA's Cooperative Programs.

How can I find OSHA's guidance on preparing workplaces for pandemic influenza?

Visit OSHA's Pandemic Influenza Safety and Health Topics Page.

How can I keep up to date on OSHA's compliance assistance resources?

Visit OSHA's Help for Employers page.

Subscribe to or read QuickTakes, OSHA's biweekly electronic newsletter.

What if I still have questions?

Search the OSHA website. Check the site index and the search page.

Call the OSHA 800 Number: (800) 321-OSHA (6742).

Submit a question by e-mail.

Contact your local OSHA office or state plan office.

Request a free on-site consultation.

For additional information about OSHA compliance visit:



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