How Good is your Safety Program?
Why not interview employees and find out
Top Management Questions?
1. Have you issued a written policy statement to let your employees know that workplace safety and heath is a priority for you? 2. Do you consider safety and health to be a line rather than a staff function? 3. Whom do you hold responsible for safety and health? How do you hold your supervisors responsible?
4. Are you involved in the safety and health planning and evaluation efforts undertaken by your organization? 5. Do you value employee involvement and participation in safety and health issues? 6. Do you think supervisors set a visible example for the employees by personally following all of the company’s safety rules? Can you give examples?
7. Are you providing staff support for safety? 8. Is there discipline in place for those who do not follow safety rules, including management? 9. Do you allocate the resources needed to properly support the organizations safety and health system? 10. Do personnel have the necessary authority to carry out their assigned safety and health responsibilities?
Questions for person in charge of Safety?
1. All of the new form 33 questions except the questions directed to Top management and employees
Supervisor / Employee Questions?
1. Are you aware of the company’s safety and health policy? Do you have input on the policy? 2. Do employees, you, wear PPE that is provided? 3. Are you aware of the company’s safety and health goals? Do you help set these goals? 4. Do you believe management provides leadership regarding safety and health? 5. Do you think management sets good examples regarding safety, such as wearing PPE, practicing what they preach, and modeling correct safety behavior? 6. Do you have any responsibilities for safety and health? Do have the necessary authority and resources to do so? 7. If you violated a safety rule, what would happen to you? Do you feel the rules apply to everyone?
8. Does management and employees conduct scheduled safety inspections of the shop? 9. Is their some sort of system in place for reporting safety hazards? 10. Do you think management does a good job investigating accidents? Are employees involved in the process? Are you aware of accident trends? 11. Do you know what to do in case of an emergency? 12. Do you think the safety training is good here? Are employees involved with the training? 13. Do you think the supervisors are trained well enough on safety? 14. Do you think management is trained well enough on safety? 15. If you need something for safety and health, like new PPE, does management provide it? 16. Do you have input in safety and health training? 17. Do you have the authority to stop work if a hazard is found? 18. Do employees help review OSHA programs, or injury illness data, or hazard incidence data on a yearly basis?
Author: Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist
Private Safety Consultant, Assistant Damon Fall Protection and Coordinator EHS Network ~ Kansas.
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