OSHA Fines Increased!
If you’ve been to any safety shows; last year, you may already know that there are new OSHA penalties. Congress passed new legislation for this because of inflation. The new penalties went into effect August 2nd, 2016. All citations moving forward are subject to this rate.
According to OSHA, they have issued revisions to their Field Operations Manual. This will allow for penalty reductions for smaller sized companies based on employers and other factors. States with their own Safety & Health Plans are required to meet OSHA standards.
Moving Forward
With these increased penalties, it is even more important be stay in compliance. Not only to keep workers safe, but to avoid costly fee’s. Fall Protection Systems offers free onsite analysis to help ensure compliance. Our trained technicians will walk your facility and point out hazards. They will collect data and work with our engineers. Once complete you will have options for the most cost effective solutions.
Author: Deborah Grow, Compliance Specialist
Private Safety Consultant, Assistant Damon Fall Protection and Coordinator EHS Network ~ Kansas.
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