Driving your Safety Program to achieve Goals & Objectives is a TEAM effort
PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the
Deming circle/cycle/wheel
Plan - Where do you want to be?
Policies, Procedures, Goals/Objectives/Action Plan, Measurements, Recognition for employees
The Plan should reflect ways to IMPROVE your Safety Performance (TRC/DART Injury rates).
The Goals/Objectives/Action Plans must reflect Responsibility & Accountability & Measurements of the activities that will get you where you want to be.
Develop safety activities to identify and correct hazards, conduct regular inspections and toolbox safety talks to keep safety at the forefront of everyone's mind, then you will start meeting your Goals and Objectives.
The Safety Recognition must be linked to achieving the Annual Goals and Objectives. Link the measurements and the recognition to what you are doing (safety activities like inspections, observations, toolbox safety talks, stepping up and taking initiative without being told to do something), not to what isn't happening.
Do - What needs to be done to get there?
Identify Hazards
Organize safety activities (Inspections, JSA Reviews, TBT, Daily JSA)
Report hazards, close call/near miss, accidents
Check - What is working and what is not?
Inspections and audits, Measure performance (Inspections, JSA Reviews, TBT, Daily JSA), Investigate close call/near miss, accidents
People don’t do what you EXPECT, they do what you INSPECT. Inspections should be done in EVERY area at least weekly-Identifying and correcting hazards which will reduce or eliminate potential for an employee to have an injury. If you are not finding hazards, you aren't looking very hard!
Safety Audits: What gets measured gets done. What gets' recognized gets done well! If you do not measure what you are doing to meet your goals, you will not know if you are improving or getting worse. Immediate recognition gets immediate results!!
Don’t bring a problem without a solution”, Employees are encouraged to report hazards or close call/near miss incidents so the company can investigate and reduce potential for more serious injuries But with a twist-"bring your ideas for solutions too".
Act - Are you improving safety performance?
Review performance of activities
· Review accident rates
· Learn from results, Act on lessons learned and adjust the plan. Start from the beginning to ensure you cover all the necessary aspects of changes you need to make
Author: Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist
Private Safety Consultant, assistant Damon Fall Protection and Coordinator EHS Network ~ Kansas. Contact Deborah if you would like to schedule a consultation
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