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Acai Berry

Acai Berry The acai berry is an inch-long, reddish-purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to Central and South...

Green Tea

Green Tea: The catechins found in green tea have made it a superstar in the cancer-fighting food research. They are believed to be more...

Vitamin B-

Vitamin B6 Why you need it: Vitamin B6 is an umbrella term for six different compounds that have similar effects on the body. These...

Vitamin A

Vitamin A Family Why you need it: The vitamin A family plays a key role in immunity, reproductive behaviors, and especially vision. The A...


Michelle started the Keto diet a few months ago and has lost 80 pounds so far! She's kind of become an expert on Keto recipes. I...

Healthy Collections for 2018

Voted #1 Diet for 2018 - Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diet Mediterranean Diet Information Dr. Ancel Keys and his colleagues were the first...

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