Why We Participate in Safe + Sound Week
By EHS Network
As the co founder of the EHS Network, I value keeping workers safe and healthy on the job and making sure they go home to their families every day. It's a passion I've had since a work related accident forever changed my family! Serious accidents take a real toll on everyone not just the person who was injured, and speak from personal experience. That’s why EHS Network was found back in 1990. That is also why I am so passionate about safety and that is why EHS Network is participating in Safe + Sound Week, August 13-19, 2018. Visit our Events page for links to download ideas of how you can participate in this week’s events.
Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs in workplaces that include management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to finding and fixing hazards.
Safe + Sound Week is important to our mission and goals to help employers motivate and encourage employee participation in safety programs. Participating can enhance the overall quality of your workplace to benefit your workers and customers.
During Safe + Sound Week, we will show our commitment to safety by holding toolbox talks, hazard hunts, and extra safety awareness training. These events/activities are designed to demonstrate management leadership in safety and health; engage workers since they are the experts when it comes to the jobs they do and the tools and equipment they use; take a proactive approach to finding and fixing hazards before someone gets hurt.
Safe Workers, Sound Business
Participating in Safe + Sound Week can help us move forward on our safety efforts, e.g., establish/continue to improve our safety and health program; reduce injuries and illnesses (including statistics or graphic information about our company’s safety and health records, improve business efficiency and productivity; increase involvement and investment in safety and health throughout the organization.
I would like to encourage all our EHS Network member companies to join us by participating in Safe + Sound Week by holding events at their facilities and Join us by attending Accident Prevention/Investigation training August 15 (12:30 pm - 2:00 pm) at The Cedars in McPherson. The meeting is open to the public.
To learn more about our Safe + Sound Week activities and/or safety and health programs/policies, visit our website at https://chekllc.wixsite.com/ehsnetwork or contact EHS Network. Thank you for supporting EHS Network and our commitment to safety and health!
Deborah Grow, Coordinator and
The EHS Network Team
Diane, Christy, Raymond