EHS Network
About Environmental, Health, and Safety Network of Kansas
We believe that responsibility for Environmental, Health and Safety issues must be driven to the employee level with full Leadership support and integrated into our daily operations to be successful. Therefore a group was formed in 1991 to promote all aspects of safety that relate to our daily operations. We believe that training and education is a key element of a successful Safety and Health Management System. Regular monthly meetings were established for members to network with others in their related industries. Over the past several years, we have invited local specialists, Kansas's regulatory agencies, and even Federal agencies to present on topics of interest to our members. Topics vary, but in general, programs have come about because of interests or requests of those attending. Meetings rotate locations between our Host companies.
Our goals are simple…provide educational opportunities that help us do our jobs while learning the facts and staying in compliance dealing with environment, health, or safety concerns. Operation of this group is without a budget so there are not any membership fees to join. Members occasionally volunteer, as there are needs.
If you would like to join our group, please subscribe to our list (Contact page) and we will send you monthly reminders of the topics and places the meetings will be held. We will send Quarterly Newsletter with important safety updates.
We welcome you to join us in our efforts to promote Cleaner Environments and a Safer Workplace, through training and education.
Our Team consists of safety professionals who volunteer their time to schedule and host monthly training events.
Stay Safe,
Deborah Chek-Grow, Chek Safety, EHS Network Coordinator
Christy Call, Aero Machine Labs, EHS Network Team
Raymond Law, Retired, EHS Network Team
Diane Goldberg, The Cedars, EHS Network Team